What are your tax dollars funding? (28:29)
A recent interview with the Faytene TV Show regarding the charitable status threat to Pregnancy Care Canada and pregnancy care centres across Canada.
Why is this important? Because only one pregnancy option choice is directly funded by the government and our tax dollars: abortion. We, Pregnancy Care Canada, and the centres we serve depend on charitable donations from people who believe in this work and who believe that women in Canada should have support for alternatives to abortion.
I encourage you to watch the video. It’s important.
Some highlights from the video:
- Pregnancy care centres do not limit choice; they expand the choices available to women by providing support for choices other than abortion.
- Pregnancy Care Canada and pregnancy care centres depend on charitable donations; whereas tax dollars fund abortion providers.
- Pregnancy Care Canada and our affiliated centres have been mischaracterized, and the federal government does not recognize the legitimate, good work done for communities across Canada.
- The charitable status of faith-based charities is threatened because of ideological differences.
- Pregnancy Care Canada is not political. We are the pastoral arm. But we will speak up to defend this work.