I wish I had learned…
That science can only describe the magnificence of life, not explain it.
Despite learning about oocytes, spermatozoa, cell division and embryology, I failed to appreciate the complex blueprint of life established in the early moments of conception.
That in the name of “choice,” many women have no choice regarding their unplanned pregnancy.
I never appreciated that the scared young woman sitting across from me in my doctor’s office also carried the fear and pressure of many others whose lives would be impacted by her decision. This fear often being laden with pressure, subtle and overt.
That many men and women live with great regret about their children lost to abortion.
As I began to work with our local pregnancy care centre, stories of deep and hidden sorrow began to emerge from post-abortive women and men. It made me question whether we have done an adequate job providing real choices. I know the answer without hesitation – we have not. True choice is when accurate information is provided on all options. True choice is made from a place of knowledge and confidence, not fear.
That despite our ability to treat a diseased heart, we have no cure for a broken one.
We cannot fix a broken heart, but we should do all that we can to try and prevent it. I wish all women, men and families facing an unplanned pregnancy could hear the cries of regret from those who have walked before them. The physical, mental and emotional effects of abortion matter, whether it is 1% or 100% of patients affected.
That a microscope, while magnifying an image, can actually dull our focus.
A chromosome count cannot measure value. Prenatal testing cannot predict love or the impact and purpose of a life.
That when it comes to unplanned pregnancy, we often fail our patients.
That is my word for it, failure. Our patients come to us for guidance, education and unbiased help during the chaos of an unplanned pregnancy. Yet, in our society and in medical circles, abortion provision, accessibility and availability are given a greater platform and emphasis than supportive alternatives such as adoption and pregnancy care support.
It is my hope there will be a change, in our society and in the medical profession. It is time for a new response to those facing an unplanned pregnancy, one where we look beyond the scientific process, and we enter into a new conversation, one where all life is valued and protected.
Revised version published May 23, 2017