Blog Posts
Good News
April 2, 2020 by Laura Lewis MD, CCFP “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” ― Jimmy Dean Navigating chaos with innovation, kindness, and simplicity. There is something about the innate goodness of...
The Other Options involved in Reproductive Choice
June 3, 2019 by Laura Lewis MD, CCFP Reproductive choice is not simply access to abortion. Choice must also entail fully informed consent, alternatives to abortion, and respect for the validity of not choosing abortion. If we as a nation seek to uphold a woman’s right...
Abortion & Men | Podcast with Kirk Giles of Promise Keepers Canada
Listen to podcast here It would be better if men kept silent, since it has nothing to do with them. At least that is the message many of us receive when the topic of abortion comes up. Framed as an issue of women’s reproductive rights, men are pressured to tow the...
Japan – post abortion grief seminars
December 2018 Last month, I had the opportunity to travel to Japan with the Christian Advocacy Society. As a small team of three, we covered a lot of Japan in a short time span: 8 seminars, 6 cities, and 9 days! The purpose of the trip was to provide education...
Some things to consider before taking the abortion pill
A doctor takes a candid look at some of the risks of Mifegymiso® November 2018 Every day in Canada, hundreds of women are challenged by an unintended pregnancy. It would appear that our solution is to provide abortion on demand – easy, accessible, and free. The latest...
Faytene Show – Abortion and Pregnancy Care Centres