Blog Posts

Abortion, Life and the Heart of God with Patricia King

"The subject of abortion very understandably stirs a lot of emotion and passion. We know that God is pro-life and that, as His church, we are to stand with Him in regard to the sanctity of life and the value of unborn children. But His heart is also for the women who...

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Healing Conversations – Abortion & The Church

Nobody likes to talk about abortion. Abortion is a tragedy, and the conversation is emotionally charged. Yet, the reality of abortion and its effects cannot be ignored. The church needs to face a difficult reality: we need to preach the truth of God’s Word about the...

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The Intolerance of Tolerance
The Intolerance of Tolerance

January 2018 (revised) Sadly, we all saw it coming. First, the “not allowed here” sign posted on the door of a political party. Soon, other similar intolerances surfaced in our nation – disqualified legal degrees, protested chair nominations, … I could go on. With the...

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The “Bubble Zone”
The “Bubble Zone”

November 1, 2017 This week I had the opportunity to speak with a CBC correspondent about the recent “Bubble Zone” law (Bill 163, Protecting a Woman’s Right to Access Abortion Services Act, 2017) passed October 25th in the Ontario legislature. “Our government believes...

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Six things I wish I had learned in medical school
Six things I wish I had learned in medical school

I wish I had learned… That science can only describe the magnificence of life, not explain it. Despite learning about oocytes, spermatozoa, cell division and embryology, I failed to appreciate the complex blueprint of life established in the early moments of...

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Who goes to Pregnancy Care Centres?
Who goes to Pregnancy Care Centres?

Many people probably have a preconceived idea of who goes to a pregnancy care centre - a teenage girl who has a "risky" lifestyle. In reality, the scope of clientele is much broader. Unplanned pregnancy crosses all boundaries; no demographic is not affected in some...

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